Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Self Service

You know your the sixth kid when you have to feed yourself at 4 months old. Maycee is well loved, don't misunderstand, but she is already having to fend for herself in our crazy family. I just love this bouncy seat as it allows for hands free feeding. She loves to eat, so now we are just trying to teach her how to make her own bottles. Who are we kidding, we all know she gets the most attention out of anyone.


Dana said...

Sweet baby!!! I would totaly feed her and take her off your hands for a little while. Its fun playing with babies and then giving them back when they cry!! I am sure she doesn't do a whole lot of that with so many hands to hold her.

Anonymous said...

You crack me up. She's the cutest little thing ever.

Bobbi Mason said...

Ooooohhhhh, she is too stinkin' cute. Isn't it amazing that you haven't had one of those seats until now!!

Unknown said...

Maycee will always be dear to our hearts. We all prayed so hard that we could keep her. I can't wait until I get to hold her once again. Grandma P