Monday, January 25, 2010

Daddy Daughter Date

One of the perks of Aaron working with the youth is that he often goes on youth temple trips. Haylee played with the graphics on this photo and I just love it. Haylee and Aaron have a great relationship (as good as a relationship with a teenager can be) and I am so grateful that she has such an amazing male influence in her life. I tell her all the time not to settle for anyone less than as amazing as her dad is. Hopefully this will keep her single for a while! Haylee really is a great kid and we are so grateful for the good choices she is making in her life.


9 of Us said...

Just for the record Haylee hadn't showered yet that day, done her hair or makeup, and had just woke up from sleeping in the car for three hours...

Dana said...

OH man I sure hope my girls have a wonderful relationship with their dad. It will save on so many heartaches. We are just getting into the teenage emotions and struggles. I hated being a teenager and I feel for my kids because they have to go through that too. I love the picture and what she did with it. She is beautiful even after just waking up.

Miles and Bex said...

So cute! So when can Hay sleep over again? :-) You can come too if you want!

Unknown said...

I thank Heavenly Father every night that my beautiful daugthers married such wonderful men. My grand kids are just as wonderful! Mom