Monday, April 12, 2010

She's a Biggin'

Our friend, Erik Massey, who is a pretty amazing photographer, agreed to take some much needed current family photos. These are some of Maycee's best and I thought I would add her current stats. She weighs 18 pounds (82 percentile) and is 28 inches tall (98 percentile). She is a tall girl, and I am feeling every one of those 18 pounds when I haul her around.
As you can see, she is drooling a lot now and I am expecting some teeth to pop through anytime.

Man is she cute or what? I will post some of our other family pics soon.


Bobbi Mason said...

Kissable cuteness!

Unknown said...

Oh, how I love her and she is such a bright light. We are so blessed to have her in the family.

Dana said...

I remember one of your other kids always sticking there tongue out like that. She is just a beautiful girl!!!!

Smedley Family said...

So cute! I cant wait to have him take ours this summer!! He's amazing! I love Bobbi's that were at your house!!! We'll have to come visit when we are down!