Friday, December 18, 2009

More Driving

The good news is that Haylee made her club volleyball team. The bad news is that I will be driving two more nights a week on top of the other two nights a week I already drive for the boys' hockey. Oh yeah, I didn't count the two trips I make for scouts, plus the daily car pool run. Anyway, we are so excited for Haylee making a team. The competition was really tough this year and she really thought she would not make a team. She is getting more confident in her skills and it must have showed. While I am eager for her to get some more playing time in, I am not looking forward to being on the road, with 5 other kids in tow. Oh well, she will be driving soon enough. Way to go Haylee!! 


Miles and Bex said...

Way to go HAYLEE!!! We can't wait to come watch you play.

Bobbi Mason said...

I am sooo happy!!! Not for you and your frequent driver miles, but for Hay! Can't wait for the tourney's in town!!! So excited to come down in a few days. Happy carpet and sweet dreams in your own bedroom!!