Thursday, December 10, 2009

Maycee Update

Our Maycee girl is growing fast. She is almost three months old already! We took her to Providence Hospital yesterday for a check up on her urinary reflux. She was very good during the ultrasound and I think she actually liked the warm goo they put on her belly. The good news is that her kidneys look beautiful, nothing wrong with those. Her bladder looks fine too, but is a little thick in the lining. I don't really know what that means, but the doc wasn't too concerned. The biggest issue is that her reflux is a solid 3, 5 being the worst. The greatest risk for her is to get multiple UTI's which could potentially scar her kidneys, leading to possible kidney failure. So, to prevent this from happening, she is on 2 doses of antibiotics everyday for most likely until she is around 18 months. At that point, we will need to see how she is doing. There is a 50 percent chance she will out grow the reflux. If she does not, she will most likely need a procedure called deflux that is 90 percent effective in correcting her problem. It is a simple procedure done as a day patient and she won't even need to be cut. We are grateful she is so healthy and happy in all other ways. She is so fun now as she is smiling and cooing at all her adoring fans. Please continue to keep Maycee in your prayers that she will not get any urinary tract infections, that her kidneys will stay healthy, and that her reflux will clear on its own. Thank you to all who love us so much.


Miles and Bex said...

We love little Maycee. Glad you liked the dr and what he had to say. I had 2 mt.dews today, don't tell anyone!

jennywren said...

So glad to hear she is doing well! Bryson had reflux as a baby as well--we totally did the antibiotics and steroids deal. But he hasn't had any trouble after about 12 months old so I hope it is the same for Maycee. Hope you and your family have a happy holiday!!

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear your little miracle is doing well and things seem to be going in the right direction! Sucks you have to do the antibiotics for so long, but at least she will be healthy as a resut...and she will be a pro at taking her medicine!