It's hard to believe that my first born is 16 already. People tell me all the time that I don't look old enough to have 6 kids or a 16 year old, nevertheless, I am. I really wanted to make Haylee's sweet 16 memorable for her so I decided to throw her a surprise party. With some stealth help from my friends and her friends, I was able to pull it off. Haylee's birthday happened to fall on a weekend that we had to be in Anchorage for her last volleyball games. I threw her off the scent by saying that we would have a friend party for her the following weekend and just do a simple family lunch in Anchorage after her games. Her teammates were sweet and sang to her on the court after their game and I made sure they decked her out in balloons and a special crown. It was great.
I took her to Nordstroms to get her makeup done, knowing that she would be going home to a house full of her friends and I didn't want her all sweaty and gross for her party. After being beautified and getting her new makeup and an outfit for her birthday present from Aaron and I, we headed to lunch with Auntie, Grandma and Papa. So fun, and yummy seafood lunch at Charlies. Then we headed home, with my heart pounding and nerves rattled all the way home. Texting Aaron was the only way he new we were almost home and he and Becky had a great time entertaining a house full of teenagers while they waited for Haylee. Everyone was in the basement, so I had to devise a plan for Haylee to go down to the basement, something she would never do after 3 hours in the car. I told her that Dad was down watching a movie and to go get him to help unload all the Costco stuff. She didn't think much of it, but threw me for a curveball when she went to the bathroom first. Haylee's friend, Mariah was in on the surprise and came home with us, so I had her take Maycee down to the basement so she could be in on the surprise too. Hello!!! Dumb me not even thinking about it, but the next thing I know "SURPRISE" is being screamed in the basement at the wrong girl! I was sure Haylee heard and the surprise was ruined, but luckily our house is huge and she didn't hear it from the bathroom. So after a false start, Haylee went to the basement and....SURPRISE!!

She was really surprised and happy to see so many of her friends. On to the games...

Yes, this one was interesting. The kids had to pass a key that was tied to a very long string through their clothes to one another. They loved it and it was pretty funny for us to watch. After games, it was cake time. Becky, Angela, and Emily made Haylee's cake and it turned out amazing. Haylee loved it.

They finished the night with a scary movie in the theater, notice Brandy and Dagen covering their faces, so funny!!

We are so grateful to have such an amazing daughter and know that she will do awesome things with her life. We are so proud of who she is and what she stands for and look forward to her future...especially driving!