Every few years, we try to take the family on a week long trip through our amazing state. There is just so much to do and ground to cover, that a week isn't nearly enough time, but we do all we can to get as much adventure in as possible. We talked the Hansen family into coming with us this time and had a blast. I'm horrible about taking pictures on the road, but luckily Becky is great at it, so most of these are hers. Our first big stop, other than Costco in Anchorage, was at the pipeline. It really is massive.

We were really hoping for the great Alaskan sun on this trip as we headed north to Fairbanks where most summer temps are in the 80's, but wouldn't you know we picked the wettest summer on record! The rain chased us the ENTIRE trip, but we still had a great time. We had to stop in Denali, where the rain actually let up enough for us to have a great day at the visitor center and enough time to enjoy a hike.

The dogs even enjoyed some entertainment from some tormenting squirrels.

The last place we camped was in Talkeetna, somewhere we have never been. The weather was great here too, and we enjoyed more bike riding and campfire time.

We had to stop at one of the local landmarks for lunch where Aaron and the kids took on the "Seward's Folly" burger. This monster consists of 2 half pound reindeer patties, 12 slices of cheese, 12 pieces of bacon, 3 pieces of bread, and a pound of ham!!

Aaron is all smiles before he digs in...

I love the look of disgust that Chloee is giving her dad. Notice this is only HALF of the burger...

Aaron had to throw in the towel half way through. This thing could have fed our entire family I am sure! We had the best trip with the kids and are so grateful to live in such an amazing place. We are hoping to go again next summer!!